Values-Centered, Value Creating Financial Planning
Claire explains how introducing a new team member, a historic and creative figure, into the financial planning process of your wealthy clients will result in significant value for your client and your practice.
Transferring the Intangible
Even the most tax-oriented practitioner can help clients with the “soft” issues. Here’s how.
Of Cheese and Choices
Claire’s personal reflection on the Italian American experience
Thinking about the why of giving
Life does not lay itself out on spreadsheets. Although fundraising management tools are critical, they cannot become so central that we forget the most important question: Why give at all?
Why Generosity Matters in Personal Relationships
What is often called love is really generosity, the giving of yourself, to another person without the expectation of ‘payback.’
Philanthropy: Wealth Management Needs an Upgrade.
Private Wealth Management 2005/2006
Philanthropy: A Lifetime Commitment
This presentation was delivered to the HSBC Private Banking and Investments Forum in New York on October 28, 1998.